Bizet Reactions Live @ 8Bahn 5yrs

Bizet Reactions will perform live for the fourth time. On november the 24th, together with Colors frontman Cinnaman & Paul Woolford (Planet E, Hotflush), we will perform  live during 8Bahn 5yrs anniversary.

I can describe the feeling i’ve got when invited back for 8bahn as delighted. On 8bahn Festival we’ve performed for the first time for them and now they invited us back for an indoor party. How brilliant?! If you havent seen or heared any footage of Bizet yet, besides from being an idiot, you should definitly come by because we’re gonna make you party harder! See the footage!

We are now busy with the setlist, and see what our maincourse for you guys will be. But one thing we can guarantee; we’re gonna rock your socks off!!


Looking forward!

Savoir’s Compositum X first track online!

Compositum X Front


Savoir Records present: Compositum X


Together with my studio partner Twan Sallaerts, we are Bizet Reactions. For the next compilation of Savoir Records, named; ‘Compositum X’ we did a remix for MiaMia’s The Branches and the Frogs. This is a piece of music not for the dancefloor, but for the livingroom. This is one of the first finished project Twan and I did. So when you hear this, you should consider we were just starting out. The fun we had in the studio, recording a papersnare and the writing on the wall ;)

The release will be available on the 23rd of august on, my own store. A week later, 30 of august, Itunes, Beatport and such will follow. But you should definitly swing by my store, because if you by directly from me, you’ll get more Karma ;), because the money will be shared and invested in the label, as i hope to grow someday.

Others artists are Qindek, Examine, Jarno, Thomas Laurén, Dean High, Oldie and more. I feel blessed to present such an versatile compilation with all good friends and producers.
Please check out the first track on this compilation.


Bizet Tunage!

Now, as you might know, together with magical journey Twan Sallaerts, Bizet Reactions is upon us. On my own Savoir Records, the first release is presented, for you to listen and enjoy.
Please take a few minutes, sit back and hear this new music. Because i know it’s worth your time.
Follow these links.. It’s almost to easy.

A1 Bizet Reactions – All I Want (Original mix) [128 kbit preview] by Savoir Records

B1 Bizet Reactions – Kings Of Indulgement (Original mix) by Savoir Records

A2 Bizet Reactions – All I Want (Ion Ludwig remix) by Savoir Records